January 1, 2011


  "Before you know it, they will be running and chasing all around, oh, so busily..." 

I love books that make me feel nostalgic, and Babies by Gyo Fujikawa does exactly that.  I was given a new copy of Babies from my aunt when my daughter was born, and upon first reading it was instantly taken back to my own childhood.  The beautifully drawn illustrations of sweet little babies have a vintage feel.   The text simply describes tiny babies doing the things they do best, "eating, sleeping, laughing, and crying."  The book has a lovely message...whether they are being little angels or little rascals, "all babies like to be hugged and cuddled and loved." 

Babies and toddlers are fascinated by pictures of and stories about other babies.  As a baby, my daughter loved pointing to the babies in the book, describing their actions, seeing them do the same things she did, and now as a big sister she enjoys pretending that each baby in the book is her baby brother.  The delightful illustrations combined with simple text makes Babies a perfect first book for your little one.


  1. I'm not sure if my mom read this to me or John or both, but I love this book. Finn loves it too! The illustrations are so darling, and as you mentioned, little ones love to see other little ones doing the same things as them!

    So excited that you started a blog!

  2. Thanks Cara! I'm so glad your mom gave me this book when Bailey was born. We love it and now it is one of my favorite baby gifts to give!
